Navigating the Summer Doldrums: Strategies for Smart Investing in August

In investment activities, it is important to always keep track of market trends and establish appropriate strategies. During the summer doldrums, which are prone to seasonal factors, investors need to respond carefully. This blog explains in detail the characteristics and countermeasures of the summer doldrums and the market trends in August. From the perspective of investment experts, you can gain tips for making wise investment decisions in the summer.

1. What is the Summer Doldrums?


The summer doldrums refer to the tendency for market activity to decline and trading volume to decrease during the period from June to August. This period is characterized by lower market participation due to summer vacations and reduced business activity, leading to decreased trading volumes.

During the summer doldrums, the following elements become prominent:

  1. Decrease in Trading Volume: As more investors and companies take summer vacations, market trading volumes decrease. Especially with traders on Wall Street taking vacations, market liquidity decreases, and price fluctuations can become sluggish.

  2. Fewer Corporate Announcements: During the summer, the number of quarterly earnings announcements from companies tends to decrease. As a result, investors have less information to gather, leading to increased risk aversion.

  3. Seasonal Anomalies: The summer doldrums are one of the seasonal anomalies and are expected to occur annually. Therefore, some investors aim to preemptively adjust their positions to avoid risks.

The summer doldrums are a temporary phenomenon and do not affect the fundamental health of the market. Therefore, by taking appropriate measures, stable results can be achieved even during the summer doldrums.

Characteristics and Causes of the Summer Doldrums

The summer doldrums are caused by various factors, such as summer vacations and reduced business activity. This leads to a decline in market activity and a decrease in trading volume. Specific characteristics include a decrease in trading volume, fewer corporate announcements, and seasonal anomalies.

The decrease in trading volume is due to an increase in investors and companies taking summer vacations. Especially with traders on Wall Street taking vacations, market liquidity decreases, and price fluctuations can become sluggish.

Additionally, the number of quarterly earnings announcements from companies tends to decrease during the summer. This leads to less information gathering for investors, increasing risk aversion.

Furthermore, the summer doldrums are one of the seasonal anomalies and are expected to occur annually. As a result, some investors aim to preemptively adjust their positions to avoid risks.

The summer doldrums are a temporary phenomenon and do not affect the fundamental health of the market. Therefore, by taking appropriate measures, stable results can be achieved even during the summer doldrums. In the next section, we will explain in detail how to deal with the summer doldrums.

2. Characteristics and Causes of the Summer Doldrums


The summer doldrums are usually seen from June to August. During this season, the following characteristics are observed.

2.1 Decrease in Trading Volume

  • Trading volumes decrease as more investors and companies take summer vacations.
  • Especially with traders on Wall Street taking vacations, market liquidity decreases, and price fluctuations can become sluggish.

2.2 Fewer Corporate Announcements

  • Late July sees a concentration of quarterly earnings announcements from companies, and in August, important information decreases.
  • This makes it difficult for investors to gather information, increasing risk aversion in the market.

2.3 Seasonal Anomalies in the Stock Market

  • Seasonal anomalies are empirical rules in stock price fluctuations that cannot be explained clearly.
  • Some investors, expecting the annual occurrence of the summer doldrums, preemptively adjust their assets to avoid risks.
  • This can further slow down market fluctuations.

The causes of the summer doldrums are related to the following factors:

2.4 Seasonal Factors

  • In the summer, business activity generally decreases, and market participants’ interest tends to decline.
  • This leads to a decline in market activity and a tendency for trading volumes to decrease.

2.5 Climatic Factors

  • In the summer, there may be an increase in weather-related natural disasters.
  • Natural disasters like hurricanes and typhoons negatively impact corporate performance and become a destabilizing factor for the market.

2.6 Political Factors

  • The summer is generally a time with fewer political events or elections, which can relatively reduce market risk factors.
  • However, this does not often lead to market stability, and stock performance tends to stagnate.
  • Many investors are expected to take conservative investments or actions, which can suppress market fluctuations.

3. Measures for the Summer Doldrums


To prepare for the summer doldrums, investors must consider the following measures.

1. Risk Management

During the summer doldrums, trading volumes may decrease, and the market may become unstable. Therefore, thorough risk management is essential. Specifically, manage your portfolio with the following points in mind.

  • Appropriate Diversification: To minimize losses, diversify your investments across different stocks and industries. This allows you to spread risk without relying on the price movements of a single stock or industry.
  • Verified Strategies: Have a long-term investment strategy and ensure it has a proven track record. Making decisions based on past data and indicators allows for calm judgment.

2. Long-Term Investment Strategy

The summer doldrums are temporary, and the fundamental health of the market is usually not affected. Therefore, it is important to invest based on a long-term investment strategy. The summer is an excellent opportunity to consider market scenarios for the rest of the year. Here are some points for practicing a long-term investment strategy.

  • Bullish Investments: Invest in stocks and industries that are expected to grow in the long term. By investing in stocks with expected future growth, you can achieve stable results without being swayed by temporary market fluctuations.
  • Pursue Income Gains: In long-term investments, it is also important to pursue income gains through dividends and reinvestment of profits. By receiving regular dividends, you can generate income even during market downturns.

3. Identifying Opportunities

Even during the summer doldrums, there are growth opportunities. By diligently gathering information, investors can identify stocks and industries expected to grow in the future, thus seizing opportunities to generate income even during market downturns. Pay attention to the following points.

4. Trends in the Stock Market in August

stock market

The stock market in August is generally unstable. Due to the effects of the summer doldrums, trading volumes decrease, and market activity declines, resulting in sluggish stock price increases. Let’s examine the trends in the stock market in August by looking back at past trends.

Trends in the Stock Market in August

Looking at past data, the stock market in August has been influenced by various factors. Here is a look back at the price movements of the Nikkei 225 over the past three years.

  • 2019: In August, the US-China trade friction flared up again, leading to a sell-off in the stock market. The Nikkei 225 fell by 3.8% for the month.

  • 2020: Expectations for economic recovery increased as President Trump worked on economic measures to counter COVID-19. The Nikkei 225 rose by 6.6% for the month.

  • 2021: Stock prices were supported by the approval of COVID-19 vaccines and statements that the Federal Reserve would not rush to raise interest rates. The Nikkei 225 rose by 3.0% for the month.

From this data, no specific trends can be observed, but it is clear that short-term factors and global economic trends significantly impact the stock market.

Factors Affecting the Stock Market in August

The following factors may impact the stock market in August:

  • Domestic and International Economic Indicators: July’s economic indicators and corporate earnings announcements may affect the stock market in August.

  • Government and Central Bank Policies: Changes in monetary policy and announcements of economic measures may impact the stock market.

  • Geopolitical Risks: While the impact of international situations and geopolitical factors on the stock market is unpredictable, they require attention.

Considering these factors, investors need to predict market trends and take appropriate investment strategies.

Investment Strategies for August

To respond to the unstable trends in the August market, consider the following investment strategies:

  1. Strengthen Risk Management: Prepare for market instability by thoroughly managing portfolio risks. Diversify positions and use stop-loss orders to minimize risk.

  2. Focus on Materials: Pay close attention to economic indicators and corporate earnings, and identify the gap between market expectations and reality. Judge buying opportunities when materials are positive and selling opportunities when they are negative. This requires diligent information gathering and analysis.

  3. Long-Term Investment Perspective: Consider the possibility that August’s market is a temporary adjustment period and maintain a long-term investment perspective. The stock market may experience short-term turmoil, but it tends to grow in the mid to long term.

Based on the above investment strategies, conduct cautious trades and flexibly respond to market fluctuations.

5. Opportunities Exist Even in the Summer Doldrums


Even during the summer doldrums, there are opportunities for growth in individual stocks and industries. By diligently gathering information and identifying stocks and industries expected to grow in the future, you can seize opportunities to generate income even when the market is sluggish.

Here are some approaches to finding opportunities even in the summer doldrums.

5.1 Importance of Information Gathering

During the summer doldrums, market activity declines and trading volumes decrease, making information gathering more important. Investors need to utilize information sources such as news and reports to gather information on market trends and specific stocks and industries. By finding information on stocks and industries expected to grow in the future, you can generate income even during market downturns.

5.2 Utilization of Technical Analysis

During the summer doldrums, there tends to be less fundamental information available. Therefore, utilizing technical analysis is effective. By analyzing stock price charts and technical indicators, investors can understand stock price movements and trends, and predict fluctuations in specific stocks and industries. This allows for finding opportunities to generate income even during market downturns.

5.3 Importance of Diversification

The summer doldrums can increase market instability. Therefore, appropriate portfolio diversification is necessary to minimize losses. By investing in different stocks, industries, and regions, investors can spread risk. This way, the poor performance of some stocks or industries can be covered by the performance of others.

5.4 Adoption of Long-Term Investment Strategy

The summer doldrums are temporary and usually do not affect the fundamental health of the market. Therefore, investing based on a long-term investment strategy allows for stable results without being swayed by temporary market fluctuations. The summer is an excellent opportunity to consider market scenarios for the rest of the year.

To find opportunities even in the summer doldrums, it is important to gather information, use technical analysis, diversify investments, and adopt a long-term investment strategy. Investors need to maintain calm judgment, flexibly respond to market fluctuations, and identify stocks and industries with potential growth. By viewing the summer doldrums as an opportunity and taking a cautious and strategic approach, you can generate income even during market downturns.


The summer doldrums are a temporary phenomenon, but they come with various challenges for investors. However, by strengthening information gathering, utilizing technical analysis, practicing diversification, and maintaining a long-term investment perspective, you can find income opportunities during this period. Investors need to calmly analyze market trends and demonstrate flexible responsiveness. Overcoming the summer doldrums and aiming for good performance by the end of the year is the stance of a wise investor.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the summer doldrums?

The summer doldrums refer to the tendency for market activity to decline and trading volume to decrease during the period from June to August. This period is characterized by lower market participation due to summer vacations and reduced business activity, leading to decreased trading volumes.

What are the main characteristics of the summer doldrums?

The main characteristics of the summer doldrums include a decrease in trading volume, fewer corporate announcements, and seasonal anomalies in the stock market. The decrease in trading volume is due to an increase in investors and companies taking summer vacations. Additionally, the number of quarterly earnings announcements from companies tends to decrease during the summer, leading to less information gathering for investors. Furthermore, the summer doldrums are one of the seasonal anomalies and are expected to occur annually.

What are the measures for the summer doldrums?

Measures for the summer doldrums include strengthening risk management, adopting long-term investment strategies, and identifying opportunities. For risk management, appropriate diversification of investments and using verified strategies are important. Additionally, investing based on a long-term investment strategy allows for stable results without being swayed by temporary market fluctuations. Furthermore, by diligently gathering information and identifying stocks and industries expected to grow in the future, you can seize opportunities to generate income even during market downturns.

What are the trends in the stock market in August?

The stock market in August is generally unstable. Due to the effects of the summer doldrums, trading volumes decrease, and market activity declines, resulting in sluggish stock price increases. Looking at past trends, it is clear that domestic and international economic indicators, government and central bank policies, and geopolitical risks significantly impact the stock market. Therefore, investors need to strengthen risk management, focus on materials, and take a long-term investment perspective.