
A Comprehensive Guide to Averaging Down in Forex Trading: Strategies and Tips for Maximizing Profits

This blog post explains the averaging down strategy in FX trading. Averaging down is a method aimed at leveling losses and maximizing profits, but it also carries risks. In this blog, we will clearly convey specific methods and key points for utilizing averaging down. Both beginners and experienced traders can benefit from this information.

1. What is Averaging Down in FX Trading?


Averaging down in FX trading is a trading method where additional positions are taken when the price of an existing position drops, resulting in an unrealized loss. The goal of averaging down is to level losses and make it easier to gain profits.

Let’s look at a specific example. For instance, if you buy USD/JPY at 100 yen and it drops to 80 yen, resulting in an unrealized loss, you can further buy more to lower the average acquisition price to 90 yen. Thus, averaging down can be performed against price drops (buying averaging down) or price rises (selling averaging down).

Advantages of Averaging Down

The benefits of averaging down are as follows:

  1. Lowering the average acquisition price: By taking additional positions through averaging down, it becomes easier to level unrealized losses and gain profits.
  2. Maximizing profits during rebounds: When the market reverses or prices rise, averaging down can increase the profits of your holdings.
  3. Diversifying risk: Taking additional positions against an initial one helps to diversify risk.

Disadvantages of Averaging Down

The cautions of averaging down are as follows:

  1. Additional risk: Taking more positions through averaging down can increase unrealized losses.
  2. Losses during market collapse: Unexpected market movements can result in significant losses due to averaging down.
  3. Psychological burden: Taking additional positions as prices fall can be mentally taxing.

When Averaging Down is Effective

The effective timings for averaging down are as follows:

  1. When trends are identifiable: Averaging down is effective when there are clear upward or downward trends.
  2. At support or resistance lines: When prices reach support or resistance lines, averaging down can be done at these reversal points.

Cautions for Averaging Down

It is important to keep the following points in mind when averaging down:

  1. Limiting losses: To prevent cumulative losses from averaging down, it’s crucial to set stop-loss levels in advance.
  2. Importance of capital management: Ensure you have sufficient funds and can trade with a margin of safety when averaging down.

The above is an overview of averaging down in FX trading. While averaging down carries risks, it has the potential to maximize profits when used appropriately. We will provide more detailed strategies and methods in the continuation of this article, so stay tuned.

2. Advantages of Averaging Down


The advantages of averaging down include the following features:

1. Averaging Losses

Averaging down is a method for averaging losses and conducting effective risk management. When prices drop, unrealized losses do not get resolved. However, with averaging down, you can lower the average acquisition price. For example, averaging down at 90 yen, combining existing positions and new purchases, can lower the average acquisition price to 95 yen. If prices rise to 95 yen, the unrealized loss can be resolved this way.

2. Maximizing Profits

Averaging down not only resolves unrealized losses but is also excellent for maximizing profits. Typically, when prices drop, unrealized losses occur. With averaging down, you can resolve these losses and then continue to hold positions to significantly increase profits. When prices exceed the average purchase price, averaging down can maximize profits. By leveraging market volatility and utilizing situations where profit margins expand, you can achieve substantial profits.

3. Flexibility and Adaptability

Averaging down enhances flexibility and adaptability in managing losses and trading strategies. It allows for a flexible approach to holding positions. If prices rise, profits can be secured, and if they fall, other methods beyond traditional stop-loss strategies can be employed. By not sticking to a specific trading method, you can improve your ability to adapt to market fluctuations. Additionally, with averaging down, you don’t need to wait for the price to return to the initial order price, enhancing trade flexibility and risk management. Averaging down is an essential method for improving traders’ flexibility and response to market fluctuations.

3. Disadvantages of Averaging Down


The trading method of averaging down has the following disadvantages:

  1. Risk of expanding losses: When averaging down, if trades move in an unexpected direction, there is a risk of expanding losses. Since averaging down involves further trades if prices move in the opposite direction, losses can accumulate quickly. If losses occur, repeatedly averaging down increases holdings and the potential for larger losses. To manage risks, it is essential to set a sufficient risk tolerance and clearly define stop-loss points.

  2. Difficulty in identifying appropriate entry timing: Averaging down requires identifying suitable entry timing. However, since forex markets can rise or fall more than expected, predicting price reversals accurately is difficult. Incorrect entry timing can lead to expanding losses, so baseless averaging down should be avoided.

  3. Significant psychological burden: Averaging down increases holdings, leading to rapid expansion of unrealized losses. This situation can cause significant anxiety about incurring losses, resulting in mental stress. Caution is needed when averaging down to avoid psychological burdens.

  4. Possibility of negative swaps: Averaging down temporarily increases holdings, potentially resulting in negative swaps. Negative swaps increase the cost of holding positions, so it’s crucial to check currency pair interest rates before considering averaging down to minimize losses.

By being aware of these disadvantages, it is necessary to manage risks and maximize returns when averaging down.

4. Effective Timing for Averaging Down


To effectively conduct averaging down, the following timings are important:

When Making Mid-to-Long-Term Investments

Averaging down is relatively suited for “mid-to-long-term investments.” In short-term trend markets, it becomes challenging to identify price peaks and troughs. Therefore, practicing averaging down based on mid-to-long-term chart analysis is suitable. Mid-to-long-term refers to several days to several weeks or more than a month. Additionally, when holding positions long-term, it’s necessary to calculate profits and losses from swap points.

When the Downtrend of the Investment is Temporary

Averaging down is effective when the downtrend in the investment currency pair is temporary. During the release of economic indicators, global economic news, natural disasters, or terrorist attacks, price movements become intense, and placing averaging down orders in response to these movements can be very effective. Such temporary trends frequently occur, so it’s important to regularly observe charts.

When There Are Signs of Sharp Price Increases in the Future

One effective timing for averaging down is when, despite current price declines and losses, there are factors such as economic indicator announcements that suggest sharp price increases in the future. In such cases, buying more at the bottom is effective. Similarly, when holding sell orders and experiencing losses due to sharp price increases, averaging down can be considered if there is a possibility of market reversal.

Check the Economic Indicators Calendar

In FX trading, checking the economic indicators calendar is also important. Economic indicator releases can significantly impact forex markets, helping to identify price movement points. However, not all economic indicator releases have significant impacts on forex, so it’s important to make comprehensive judgments, including chart analysis, rather than relying solely on economic news.

Averaging down requires careful judgment and appropriate timing. This concludes the explanation of effective timing for averaging down.

5. Cautions for Averaging Down


When practicing the averaging down strategy, it is necessary to avoid excessive averaging down and unplanned acquisition of additional positions. Below, we will explain in detail the cautions for effectively utilizing averaging down.

5.1 Avoid Excessive Averaging Down

Excessive averaging down should be carefully considered as a caution. Repeated averaging down increases the required margin for existing positions, reducing the margin for taking new positions. Excessive averaging down can increase the risk of expanding losses. Appropriate timing and risk management are necessary.

5.2 Avoid Unplanned Acquisition of Additional Positions

Unplanned acquisition of additional positions should also be avoided. Averaging down is a method for acquiring additional positions against unrealized loss positions, but it tends to lead to unreasonable position acquisition due to emotional influence. Particularly in mentally unfavorable situations or under pressure, unplanned averaging down can rapidly deplete funds and increase the risk of being stopped out. To build an appropriate averaging down strategy, a planned approach is essential.

5.3 Understand the Possibility of Losses

When adopting averaging down, it is crucial to fully understand the possibility of losses. Averaging down has the potential to widen losses, so recognizing the importance of stop-loss rules is necessary to maintain composure in case of losses. Set stop-loss rules in advance to make calm decisions. To reduce the risk of significant losses, it is important to determine stop-loss positions and acceptable loss amounts in advance.

By observing these cautions and practicing the averaging down strategy, it is possible to trade safely. Be conscious of appropriate timing and risk management, and conduct planned trades.


Averaging down in FX trading is a method aimed at leveling unrealized losses and maximizing profits during rebounds. However, averaging down has disadvantages such as the risk of expanding losses and psychological burden. Therefore, careful judgment and detailed planning are required to determine the appropriate timing and avoid excessive position acquisition. When utilizing averaging down, thorough risk management and establishing an optimal strategy according to your trading style are important. While appropriate use of averaging down can lead to substantial profits, unplanned use can risk rapidly losing funds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of averaging down?

Averaging down has several benefits. First, it can lower the average acquisition price, making it easier to level unrealized losses and gain profits. Second, during market reversals or price increases, averaging down can increase the profits of holdings. Third, it allows for risk diversification.

What are the disadvantages of averaging down?

Averaging down has several disadvantages. First, taking additional positions can increase unrealized losses. Second, unexpected market movements can lead to significant losses due to averaging down. Third, taking additional positions as prices fall can cause psychological burden to the user.

When is averaging down effective?

Averaging down is mainly effective in three situations. First, when there are clear upward or downward trends. Second, when prices reach support or resistance lines. Third, when there are signs of sharp price increases in the future.

What should be noted when averaging down?

There are three main points to note when averaging down. First, set stop-loss levels in advance to prevent cumulative losses. Second, ensure sufficient funds and be able to trade with a margin of safety. Third, maintain a planned approach without being influenced by emotions.