Protect Yourself from MT5 Scams|Understanding the Risks and Safeguards

In recent years, there has been an increase in fraud cases exploiting the forex trading platform MT5. While MT5 is a convenient trading tool, it is unfortunately being misused by scammers. This blog will delve into the reality of MT5 scams, the tactics used, and how to handle situations if you fall victim. Equip yourself with the knowledge needed to use MT5 safely.

1. What is MT5?


Overview of MT5

MT5 (MetaTrader 5) is an advanced trading platform developed by MetaQuotes, a Russian company. This software is designed to support trading in various financial instruments, including forex (FX), and is a vital tool for traders. MT5 is compatible with a wide range of devices, including PCs, smartphones, and tablets, making it convenient for trading anywhere.

How to Use the Platform

MT5 is a free application that users can download. You can obtain the platform from the official website or app store and complete the installation within minutes. After the necessary setup, you can start trading right away.

Main Features of MT5

MT5 offers a variety of trading features, including:

  • Multiple Order Types: It supports various order types like limit and stop orders, providing flexibility in trading.
  • Analysis Tools and Charts: Real-time market analysis and technical indicators enable effective trading.
  • Support for Automated Trading: Utilizing Expert Advisors (EAs), you can automate trading, saving significant time and effort.
  • Community Features: The platform includes chat features for sharing information and interacting with other traders.

Differences from MT4

MT5 has evolved from the traditional MT4 with several improvements:

  • Variety of Timeframes: MT5 offers 21 different timeframes, allowing for detailed market analysis.
  • Direct Order Management (DoM): Real-time display of market depth helps in making better trading decisions.
  • Rich Indicators: MT5 includes 38 indicators, creating a comprehensive environment for market analysis.

Reliability and Security

MT5 is widely used internationally and is regarded as a highly reliable platform. While its usage in Japan is still developing, it is supported by many traders globally. Choosing a trustworthy FX broker is crucial for safe trading. It is important to note that MT5 itself is not inherently dangerous but is a tool developed to enhance trading efficiency.

2. Methods of MT5 Scams


Scams targeting MT5 are sophisticated and diverse, preying on unsuspecting victims. This section explores the common methods used in MT5 scams.

Methods of Approach

Scammers often use social media or dating apps to approach their targets. Common tactics include:

  • Intimate and Attractive Approach: Sending enthusiastic messages early on to build trust with the target.
  • Creating an Attractive Image: Using landscape or heavily edited photos to portray a false image of themselves.

Investment Proposal

After establishing trust, scammers propose FX investments using MT5.

  • Attractive Statements: They lure victims with promises like “easily making profits using MT5.”
  • Emotional Appeals: Using phrases like “Let’s build our future together” to create an emotional bond and encourage investment.

Fake Profit Display

Scammers initially ask for small investments, then fake profits on MT5, which is not actually being traded.

  • Fake Display Screens: Faking MT5 screens to show profits that do not exist.
  • Encouraging Additional Investment: Showing attractive profits to entice victims to invest more.

Withdrawal Traps

When victims attempt to withdraw funds, scammers demand money for various reasons.

  • Requesting Fees: Claiming fees for taxes or service charges.
  • Blocking Withdrawals: Eventually freezing the account or ignoring the victim to prevent withdrawals.

Breaking Communication

Communication with the scammer gradually decreases until it stops completely.

  • Applying Psychological Pressure: Distracting suspicious victims or forcing further investment.
  • Complete Loss of Funds: Victims end up losing all their invested money.

MT5 scams are highly organized, trapping many people. Understanding these scam methods is crucial to prevent falling victim.

3. How to Handle MT5 Scams


Quick and accurate action is required if you encounter an MT5 scam. Follow these steps to recover lost funds.

Organizing Details of the Fraud

Start by accurately organizing the details of the fraud. Record the following:

  • Evidence of Communication: Keep all email and message history.
  • Transaction Data: Save the trading history and deposit details of the affected account.
  • Gather Scammer’s Information: Collect the scammer’s name, contact details, and company information.
  • Record Deposit Information: Note the details of the account where the funds were sent.

Reporting to the Police

Consider filing a report with the police after organizing the details. Keep in mind:

  • Possibility of Acceptance: Not all scams are accepted by the police, so it’s good to consult first. If recognized as a scam, investigation is likely.
  • Providing Account Information: Provide the scammer’s account details to the police to request a freeze before the funds are withdrawn.

Consulting Legal Experts

Simultaneously, consulting a specialized lawyer is important. The benefits include:

  • Obtaining Professional Advice: Get specific advice on refund possibilities and correct response methods.
  • Delegating Procedures: Lawyers can act on your behalf to proceed with the refund process.
  • Supporting Evidence Organization: Helping to organize necessary documents and evidence for smooth legal proceedings.

Collaborating with Fraud Victim Communities

Cooperating with other victims can be effective for identifying the scammer and recovering damages. The benefits include:

  • Sharing Information: Exchange information with other victims to gain valuable insights.
  • Possibility of Class Action: Conducting a class action lawsuit can share legal costs and provide mutual support.

Preserving and Managing Evidence

Preserving evidence properly is crucial. Organize documents and digital evidence, and create backups as needed.

  • Managing Digital Data: Back up important evidence like screenshots, login history, and transaction details.
  • Storing Records: Safely store paper documents and manage digital data securely to reduce the risk of evidence loss.

4. Real Cases of MT5 Scams


Investment scams using MT5 occur in various forms. Understanding actual cases is crucial to recognizing these methods. Here are some examples of how victims were defrauded.

A Man in His 40s Lost 5 Million Yen

A man in his 40s was defrauded of 5 million yen by a group posing as a fake investment company. The scammers instructed the victim to open an overseas brokerage account and install the MT5 app. While the app showed growing assets, no actual investment was made. He realized the scam only after being contacted by the police. This case illustrates typical MT5 scam tactics.

A Man in His 60s from Aichi Prefecture Lost 32 Million Yen

A 60-year-old man from Aichi Prefecture lost 32 million yen after being approached by a Taiwanese woman on a dating app who proposed FX investments. She sent friendly messages, built trust, and suggested trading with an investment company. Initially, small profits were shown, leading to multiple additional investments.

A Single Mother in Her 40s Lost 37 Million Yen

A single mother in her 40s was defrauded of 37 million yen by a foreign man she met on a dating app. The scammer claimed to be a model and gained her trust. He falsely stated that he needed money for buying a house and persuaded her to invest in a gambling site, leading to multiple deposits. Eventually, contact ceased, resulting in significant losses.

Withdrawal Troubles on Social Media

Recently, there has been a rise in cases where people are invited to invest in MT5 through social media, only to find they cannot withdraw funds. Scammers flaunt luxurious lifestyles on social media to attract victims. However, once funds are deposited, withdrawals become impossible. Consulting experts promptly in such situations is essential.

Threats of High Fees

Another reported scam involves scammers demanding high fees under the guise of “taxes” for refunds. These methods are coercive and extremely dangerous. In such cases, contacting the police or legal experts immediately is crucial.

These cases highlight the increasing sophistication of MT5 scams, with various methods in use. Recognizing the risks of fraud and staying vigilant is vital.

5. Points to Identify MT5 Scams


MT5 scams use various tactics to target victims. Here are key points to identify MT5 scams.

1. Acquire Knowledge

Understanding the basics of MT5 is crucial. Knowing that MT5 is a free trading platform helps you avoid falling for promises like “easily making profits using MT5.”

2. Beware of Suspicious Invitations

Be cautious of sudden invitations to “make money using MT5” from social media or dating apps. Pay attention to:

  • Rushed Offers: Be wary if asked to quickly open an account and deposit funds.
  • Unclear Information: If you cannot verify who is inviting you, it poses a high risk. Ensure they are a trustworthy person or entity.

3. Verify Official Information

Always check information from official FX brokers or MT5’s official website. This helps to spot fake information used by scammers. Be cautious of sites or messages claiming to be official. Cross-check with genuine official sources.

4. Suspicious Pages and Contact Methods

Scam operators often use dubious websites or contact methods. Check for:

  • Overly Simple Websites: Be cautious of sites that look poorly formatted or lack necessary information.
  • Unclear Contact Information: If contact details are missing or unclear, it may be a scam.

5. Exaggerated Profit Promises

Promises of “large profits in a short time” should raise red flags. Markets are constantly changing, and guaranteed profits are impossible. Such exaggerated claims are a hallmark of scams.

6. Learning from Scam Cases

Knowing specific past MT5 scam cases helps to understand the tactics used, enhancing vigilance. Reading victim testimonials also provides valuable insights.

Using MT5 safely requires caution and information gathering. Understanding scam tactics and staying alert can protect you. Deepen your knowledge and rely on trustworthy sources to avoid falling victim to MT5 scams.


MT5 scams are sophisticated, and vigilance is required to avoid falling victim. MT5 itself is an excellent trading tool, but scammers misuse its features. To avoid scams, acquire basic knowledge, be wary of suspicious invitations and profit promises, verify official information, and learn from past scam cases. Using MT5 safely involves self-defense awareness. Stay informed and cautious to avoid MT5 scams.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is MT5?

MT5 is an advanced platform designed for trading various financial instruments, including forex. It is a free application compatible with PCs, smartphones, and tablets. MT5 offers a range of trading features, analysis tools, and support for automated trading, facilitating effective trading. It has evolved from MT4 with improvements such as a variety of timeframes, direct order management, and rich indicators.

What are the methods of MT5 scams?

MT5 scams are sophisticated and diverse. Common methods include approaching targets via social media or dating apps, luring them with attractive investment proposals and fake profit displays, and ultimately blocking withdrawals to seize funds. Scammers build trust gradually and then trap victims.

How should I handle an MT5 scam?

If you encounter a scam, prompt action is crucial. Keep detailed records, report to the police, and consult legal experts. Cooperate with other victims and preserve evidence to minimize losses and seek recovery. Collaborating with related organizations is effective for dealing with scammers and recovering funds.

What are the points to identify MT5 scams?

To avoid MT5 scams, acquire basic knowledge, be cautious of suspicious invitations, verify official information, and check for unclear points. Also, beware of exaggerated profit promises and learn from past scam cases. These points help prevent falling victim to MT5 scams.